An attempt at financial accountability as we get rid of our last bit of debt!
About Me:
Momma Klahn
I'm a 37 yr old wife to 1 and sah mom to nearly 9. We're working hard to pay off the last of our debt and have definitely made progress, but I know we can do better. With a possible move to China early next year, the debt NEEDS to be gone!
Debt Totals:
07/04/07 $415.26
07/11/07 $315.26 (Paycheck)
Book Selling Totals
(to go toward debt-
GOAL $500 DREAM $1000):
GRAND TOTAL so far - $ 835.10
Household/Rummage Selling Totals
(to go toward debt and trip to see family - GOAL $500, DREAM $1000)
GRAND TOTAL so far - $ 504.00
eBay Seller id: truthlight